Asserting dominance over opposable thumbs by sheer force. To be honest, I have always wondered why this sort of head-first encounter wasn’t happening more often. Instinct and a clear upper hand on the plane of aggression/brute strength aside, there undoubtedly — there has to be! — at least a little animosity towards those weird furless upright omnivores (that really look like oversized and naked meerkats) basically ogling at Buffy and his friends in the small pockets of pasture they’re effectively corralled into in whatever few national parks they are still able to hang onto dear life in while the onlookers continue to ignorantly wreck the balance of the ecosystem.
I mean, c’mon! That run-on sentence is only a SMALL PART of my stream of consciousness/confusion when it comes to considering how we have successfully coexisted with creatures who are quite frankly at a basic build much more efficient than us. And how we survived until we discovered/hammered together a handful of tools and weapons to fend for ourselves is beyond me.
Anyway, thank you for reading my rant. Now back to the video.
This particular bison who finally did something about this issue — an issue that probably only exists in my head; and the bison likely spooked more than attacked — apparently charged from nearly 200 yards away while a carload of homo sapiens made their way through Yellowstone National Park’s Lamar Valley. According to AAA, the damage done to the Nissan Xterra billed at $2,787.82. People who know about bison estimates the one that rammed the SUV weighed in around 2,000 pounds. Pound for dollar, the animals won this one.