Have you ever had a close encounter with an enormous animal in the wild? There’s nothing else like it. And a woman stand-up paddleboarding got the show of a lifetime when a couple of curious orcas decided to check her out. Paddle boarding with orcas is not something that happens frequently, so she’ll likely remember this for the rest of her life.
According to the channel that posted the incredible video you see above, which was posted in September of 2020, the lucky witness has lived in the area for over 12 years. San Felipe, in Baja California, is one of the best places in the world to watch sea life in the wild, and she’d heard stories of rogue orcas playing with boats for a long time. Orcas, despite their other name, aren’t killer whales. No fatal attacks on humans in the wild have ever been recorded.
The whales appear to be a pair of adult females teaching their young how to harvest cow nose rays, and it looks as though one of them wanted to share a ray with the woman on the paddleboard.