If we, as humans, having nothing else in common, then there is at the very least ONE THING that each and every one of us shares in similarity — we’re all, regardless of ilk or the cloth you’re cut from, animals. We may stand upright, and have opposable thumbs, and practice “reason” (though reason seems in short supply these days)… but none of that completely quells the primal urges that growl deep within. And while civilization or whatever you want to call this collective consciousness might lend to an outwardly amicable demeanor, there are times when those primal urges lash out, howling at your individual consciousness to let it break free of the societal shackles that have for centuries imprisoned it. When it does, and you see the inner beast, unleash it.
For one reason or another, that sensation of letting go is what this edit called to mind for me. It is a relatively tame edit, domesticated if you will on a farm, but the backdrop as well as that natural style that Blake Samson brings to the table invoked those primal urges.
Even if you disagree with the sentiment, you will undoubtedly agree that this is still a damn good edit, especially with Samson returning from a broken leg back in 2014.