Big Boy is a very big boy. He’s 335 pounds or so, and he went to high school with Ryan Sheckler. Ryan Sheckler, of course, went on to become Ryan Sheckler, but before he was italicized, he was a kid who skateboarded a lot and did things like going to junior high. Before Big Boy was Big Boy, he was a kid in junior high who lifted heavy things a lot. Now, he’s Big Boy of Strength Cartel, and he lifts REALLY heavy things a lot. Back in high school, he dabbled on a skateboard, but clearly, he went a different route than Sheckler. Since they’ve both achieved a whole lot in their respective endeavors, a cross-over event seemed… important.
A while back, Big Boy did a heelflip at Venice Beach. Tony Hawk saw it and dropped a quick comment on YouTube. Inspired to get back into skating, Big Boy got a hold of Sheckler and told him he wanted to figure out a way to get his enormous girth back on a small board with wheels. After a few practice runs on Sheckler’s ramp, Big Boy decided it was time to try out a big ramp. And who has a big ramp? Tony Hawk. It’s a 13.5-foot vert ramp, which generally isn’t skated on by people who weigh 335 pounds. But guess what? Big Boy didn’t get the memo. It wasn’t easy though. Skip ahead in the video to the 26:48 mark for one of the heaviest (literally) slams you’ve ever seen.