Screenshot: The Little Zen Monkey

Wow. Just wow. There is so much to be impressed out here that we don’t know where to begin. Where would you? The form? The strength? The instinct? The thought going into each move? THE FACT THAT THIS BABY IS SENDING A GYM LINE!?!
Seriously… what is happening here?
Free-soloing, no less.
According to CNN: “[20-month-old Ellie Farmer’s] parents, Rachael and Zak Farmer, are competitive climbers who always hoped she’d join in the family pastime. Ellie was climbing with her mother throughout her pregnancy and has been a fixture at their local gym in Flagstaff, Arizona, her entire life.”
They call her the Little Zen Monkey.
Her father Zak continues she is “an excellent climber for her age, but that doesn’t mean she’s immune to all the other issues of being a baby.”
You think?