There’s something to be said about being so in tune with Mother Nature… hugging her every wall, perfectly in line with her contours. And that is one of the cooler things about climbers — they truly love and thereby understand every crook and cranny, so much so that sketchy situations aren’t all that sketchy.
“Look at that rock, everything moves.” No. Just no.
I got sweaty palms watching this, I can’t even being to imagine having to death grip an unstable rock with these slippery paws. It would be one quick trip to the bottom, I’ll tell you that much. But it is phenomenal that Hervé Barmasse and Daniele Bernasconi have the nerves of steel (and know how) to make the ascent, meticulously picking their line, as that view is well worth it, for both them and us.
They absolutely man handled this summit of Solu Hidden Peak, ending their 48-day expedition through Pakistan with a bang.