Gigi Rüf and Elias Elhardt are the kind of shredders you’re eager to tag along with whatever the circumstances, even if it is vicariously through a short edit. Why? They’re all about keeping it fresh; and they do so for the simple reason of not being bored.
Therefore it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise that on their drive north to that legendary powder in northern Japan, they found themselves quickly distracted by a pillow line that was far from ordinary — and we’re not talking about geographic location. We’re talking about a building at a rest stop they were casually stretching their legs at.
Yep, that happened. Nice to see these boys of backcountry inspired in a more urban setting, though with that much snow and vertical, that rest stop is looking more backcountry than most of the United States west coast these days…
Then there were the day trips once they had settled in and began capturing the footage they originally went over there for. After six days of Ja-pow, they were a little exhausted, and had grown tired of the repetition — build, hike, hit, build, hike hit. Rather than continuing what had become something of a trudge, they took to the nearby city streets and found a spine of sorts that was exactly the change of pace they were looking for.
Again, Gigi and Elias are the kind of shredders you’re eager to tag along with.