Pep Fujas was anti-going-pro before being anti-going-pro was a thing. Why? “Amateurs seemed like they were still going for it, and I wanted to still go for it.”
His soft-spoken brilliance comes from somewhere, and in part one of a three-part series show us exactly where that is: the outskirts of Ashland, Oregon. We open to his childhood, growing up in a yurt. Yes, a yurt. A phone and outhouse were major developments his his family. Hot water was powered by a stove, and they ate dinner by candlelights. Basically, they were as off the grid as off the grid gets in this day and age.
Anyway, from there he and his family would take occasional trips to local hills where he fell in love with skiing. A mogul camp turned into the competitive circuit which led to a friendship with none other than Tanner Hall. Hall’s first impression? “What a weird name.”
And thus began the legend and lore of Pep Fujas. Needless to say, we’re looking forward to the rest of this series.