We’re BIG fans/supporters of Wave Rave, it being the main snowboard outpost at Mammoth and all. That being said, we’re completely and utterly and entirely (and every other -ly that signifies an overflowing/past-capacity sentiment) confused and, safe to say, even shocked by this. We’re not trying to be the overbearing back-seat parent here… but what the hell is going on?
That introductory paragraph was more or less how we felt the first time watching the edit. Then we decided to do our due diligence and see what motivated the shoot: “Happy 3rd Birthday Kinsley! Your adventurous spirit and our teamwork have created an amazing and magical time for us. I could even call it pioneering. Thank you for bringing this experience to my life. I love you with all my heart, Dad”
Looking a little closer, we noticed that while there are sections where Dad (Steve Klassen) and Kinsley are actually riding in tandem, we are glad to say that from the looks of it Kinsley was replaced by her stunt double for the more free-wheeling parts, such as the jibbing.
Getting first-hand POV experience with a tried-and-true pro at three years old? That is a mighty fine sign of maaany good things to come.
And thank god for the stand-ins. Just look at them — they’re basically Cabbage Patch Kids!