Screenshot: MSP Films

Ahhh… the end of summer. Kids are going back to college and recent grads are pissed off they’re not. But one thing everyone might get excited about is the upcoming ski season, and the ski movie trailers that come before it.
As for me, I might be most excited about the releases of Teton Gravity Research’s Paradise Waits…
…and Matchstick Productions’ Fade to Winter.
TGR and Matchstick are, in my mind, O.G. ski movie companies. Seven Sunny Days from Matchstick is probably my favorite ski film of all time.
After watching it I knew I would be watching (and buying) ski movies for years to come.
And TGR really hit their stride with last year’s film Almost Ablaze.
I find myself revisiting the award winning segment featuring newcomer Nick McNutt — sweet name by the way — whenever I need to indulge my craving for backcountry footage.
With so much ski media coming at you from all angles nowadays, it is comforting to know that companies who have been around the block are still producing annual hits. Anyway, both previews touch on a pastime we can all relate to: waiting for Mother Nature to do her thing. Although one might believe that professional skiers get their pick of epic lines and the best snow, they, like the rest of us, are subject to the decisions of the weather gods. I would imagine that with the coming El Niño, subplots about weather will work their way into next year’s ski films as well.

Screenshot: MSP Films