Great white sharks are in the ocean, that much we know. Given the fact, though, there’s a surprising amount about sharks that we don’t know. That’s why it’s so interesting to see them doing their thing in the wild — and a pair of paddle boarders got a show they’re not soon going to forget.
After finding over 20 juvenile sharks near shore in California, Carlos Gauna, a.k.a. the Malibu Artist, got footage of one of the paddlers falling off his board in close vicinity to a shark. A nervous moment, to be sure, given the reputation great whites have, but the shark shows no interest at all in the commotion.
“Watch the shark’s reaction,” Gauna said. “It is completely opposite of what their reputation says it should do. This shark actually has no interest in the boarder who fell. Instead, it just swims alongside the other paddle boarder. It really didn’t react at all.”
See more from Gauna on YouTube.
Learn more about sharks in Ocean Ramsey’s Guide to Sharks and Safety.