Poopies rose to internet fame by doing pretty much anything for Jamie O’Brien’s vlog. Something too high to jump off? Poopies would jump. Too steep to slide down? Poopies would slide. It was like Jackass, but with more surfing. So it made sense when the news broke that Poopies would be involved in the newest Jackass movie.
Sean McInerey, now known as Poopies, got his nickname by pooping in the street. It was the start of a long journey of doing strange things, and it was one that would eventually lead him to an intersection between Shark Week and Jackass. Shark Week, as you likely know, isn’t exactly educational. It’s strictly for entertainment now, and if there’s one thing Jackass is, it’s entertaining. Over the years, though, the Jackass crew has pretty much done anything and everything, so they decided to literally jump the shark.
“There’s nothing left to do but jump the shark. What can go wrong?” Steve-O asked in the teaser for the Shark Week special that would recreate the Happy Days episode where Fonzie pulled a similar stunt (which was decidedly less authentic).
Near the end of the segment, Poopies was covered in chum, put on a wakeboard behind a Jetski, and yanked over a jump. Sharks were swimming around under the jump, and on the first take, Poopies fell. Things immediately got serious — footage shows a shark attacking Poopies. Divers entered the water, medics were frantically called, and a tourniquet was applied.
As it turns out, Poopies’ Jackass shark attack left him with two severed arteries and two severed tendons in his hand. According to reports, two of his fingers are stuck erect.
Poopies, of course, doesn’t seem phased. In fact, he’s looking on the bright side of things. “We knew there was danger. There’s no question about that,” Poopies told The Daily Beast. “But we didn’t know I was gonna get bit. I mean, it’s a blessing in disguise. I got bit, but it’s the best episode that Shark Week’s ever had.”
When you’re covering yourself in chum and jumping into shark-filled waters, you need to expect the worst. Poopies doesn’t blame the sharks for the attack. “I don’t blame the sharks at all,” he continued. “I mean, I was in their living room, and it was dinner time.”