Orcas are very intelligent creatures. I’m not sure who it was, but someone once said that the amount of fun an animal can have is directly correlated to how smart it is. And if you think about it, it’s probably pretty true. After all, when was the last time you saw, say, a clam frolicking around the seabed?
Two boaters found proof of that in 2015 when a pod of orcas decided to use their boat’s wake as a jungle gym. The people in the boat, however, seem a little uncomfortable. “GO GO GO!” One of them yells while an orca placidly rolls around beneath them, showing its belly.
“This is a common behavior in certain places — the whales I studied in British Columbia, Canada, did this,” Naomi Rose, a marine biologist with the Animal Welfare Institute, told The Dodo. “It’s called wake-riding and they are doing it for fun. They are literally surfing.”