You gotta love this dude. This is his 22nd BASE jump, yes, but his 22nd in three weeks — as in he learned to BASE jump three weeks before. And he is attempting to become only the 11th person to do this style of BASE jump. More reasons to love this dude? How about the star-spangled banner huggin’ his crotch to make it clear to all onlookers in Tonsai, Thailand that this is an AMERICAN masochist BASE jumping by the skin on his back?
Anyway, this style of BASE jumping is called suspension BASE jumping. What exactly is suspension BASE jumping? Per Josh Miramant: “In a nutshell, it is piercing metal hooks into the skin of my back, attaching a canopy, and BASE jumping, relying solely on the hooks to hold.”
So fucked.
Best part? The end, when he explains that there is absolutely no rational thinking behind his decision to do it off the 380 foot cliff. Self-awareness is a good thing when you’re this damn crazy.