Editor at Everup

The Inertia

And there’s no turning back. A beautiful woman who wakes up to pancakes and a dance party — looking like THAT? Color me in love. Then she goes on about her day shredding and smiling and just being downright amazing.

The best part? She seemingly knows how to have a really good time, while not taking herself all that seriously.


These feelings actually began a few days ago with the drop of The North Face edit following Angel and equally amazing Hadley Hammer around Mt. Hood tripping then flipping their was through the terrain park. While she was her amazing self through the video, the heartstrings sung at the 7:10 mark. Click through and watch it… you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

That was a few days ago. Since then that infantile puppy love has grown into a big ol’ Bernese Mountain Dog-sized love with this “Day in the Life” bit.

Anyway, call me, Angel. Those pancakes looked delicious but a little dry; I’ll be sure to bring syrup.



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