Generally, I dislike heckling. Either the people doing it are strangers and it throws me into a defensive, near-violent fit of wanting to stand up for whoever they’re heckling (even if I agree with them) or the people doing it are friends/acquaintances and it makes me wholly embarrassed to be associated with the pricks. But this? This heckling is damn good heckling and really appears to be done in good fun, however frustrating it might be for the mountain bikers fumbling their way through what appears to already be a rather difficult turn, which the riders tripping up in the roots even before the turn.
I mean, look at the turn when NOBODY is there heckling.
Additionally, leave it to New Zealanders to put forth a sizable effort to be intentionally offensive but not come across as even a little offensive in doing so.
Anyway, this show of damn good heckling happened at the Endura World Series GIANT Toa Enduro in Roturua, New Zealand earlier this year, a track that proved to be every inch worth the Stage 1 status.
And it was a good one for both competitors and spectators alike.