Boats and sea life aren’t a good mix. All too often, you’ll see those heartbreaking images of dead whales covered in prop strikes or scarred up sharks with missing fins. When a boat hits an animal, it’s (hopefully) not on purpose, of course, but with a little more attention, many of those strikes could be avoided. It’s often been said that sharks can’t be hit by boats, but that’s clearly not the case. In the video above, The Malibu Artist (aka Carlos Gauna) proves it.
It’s a sad video, mostly full of boaters harassing animals for nothing more than the sake of their own enjoyment, but the saddest part of all is when a small zodiac-style vessel with what looks like surfboards on the bow runs directly over a great white shark. It was an accident, but that doesn’t make it any less depressing, and hopefully the shark wasn’t too worse for wear.