It’s not strange to see great white sharks in the ocean sometimes. It’s their home, after all, and they need a place to live. What is strange, however, is to see so many off California’s coastline in December.
“In this month’s shark observations, I capture yet another paddleboarder/white shark encounter and I am able to get some of the closest shots of the sharks yet,” writes Carlos Gauna, also known as the Malibu Artist on YouTube. “It’s December, and the white sharks are still here. Although not as many are around as in the summer, I counted 10 this week alone.”
In Gauna’s most recent YouTube offering, he captured — as usual — some truly amazing footage with his drone. In it, the shark does something that we’ve seen countless times before. When a paddleboarder and a boat try and get a closer look, the shark dives down, spins around, and checks out the paddleboarder from behind.
See more of Gauna’s shark footage on YouTube.
Editor’s Note: Learn how to minimize chances of an adverse shark encounter as well as critical information about shark behavior, shark personalities, shark language, what to do in the unlikely event a shark bites you, and more in 20-plus video lessons in Ocean Ramsey’s Guide to Sharks and Safety. Early access pricing expires soon, so enroll now.