Aragon, Spain, is a region that invokes history, namely a rampant romanticism of Old World stylings. Ainsa is a town in Aragon, located just south of the Pyrenees, that maintains a strong connection with the surrounding area’s storied past.

Photo: Specialized Bicycles
From eleventh-century castles and twelfth-century churches…

Photo: Specialized Bicycles
…to an inspired expanse of roaming countryside and vibrant turquoise blue waters…

Photo: Specialized Bicycles
…the land is breathtaking beyond measure. Therefore it makes sense that in the next installment of Destination Trail (which first saw a ride along the Puerto Inca Trail in Lima, Peru) would take mountain bikers Curtis Keene and Darren Berrecloth to the hallowed trails of España.
Once there, the two meet up with Jorge, part of a Zona Zero group that has been transforming the landscape into 621 miles of awe-inducing enduro-focused trails for the past 11 years. After an unparalleled experience that was “equal parts archaeology and trail riding” through medieval villages and lush foothills, Keene and Berrecloth were anxious to share the journey with the rest of us.
I, for one, am convinced.

Photo: Specialized Bicycles