Photo of the stranded kite surfer, shortly before being rescued. His help sign can be seen in the sand. Photo: Cal Fire San Mateo – Santa Cruz Unit

Photo of the stranded kite surfer, shortly before being rescued. His help sign can be seen in the sand. Photo: Cal Fire San Mateo – Santa Cruz Unit

The Inertia

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. After becoming stranded on a Santa Cruz County beach, a kite surfer used rocks to spell out the word “help” and get the attention of a passing helicopter.

According to the Cal Fire San Mateo – Santa Cruz Unit, the rescue took place on a beach south of Davenport Landing. Videos of the rescue posted to X show the kiter standing on a narrow beach abutted by tall, steep cliffs, with no visible means of reaching the top. It is unclear how long the wayward kite surfer was left on the beach, or if they tried any other means of escape, but eventually they spelled out their plea for aid in rocks on the sand.

A private helicopter spotted the message and relayed it to authorities. Video of the rescue shows a Cal Fire helicopter arriving and sending down a first responder, who strapped himself to the wayward kite surfer and lifted him to safety.

The surfer did not require medical attention, just assistance getting off of the beach.


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