EL SALVADOR – SEEKING FOR A NEW PORT from GotSurf.ca on Vimeo.
Some might travel to get away from reality, but somehow it always has a way of bringing you back. Your instincts lead you to places, people, and experiences that connect you with your inner soul and the feeling of needing to live to the fullest. You might discover unexpected characters, or you might discover your own identity. The act of leaving sometimes means getting closer to yourself.
Finding inner peace is a quest of a lifetime. For the two months I’ve been in El Zonte, El Salvador, I tasted that balance and I have brought it back with me. This is where the real trip starts: in your daily habits back home, applying and respecting what you live, what you learn, what you discover.
Seeking for a New Port is a web series by Marc-André Laurin from Montreal, Canada, that explores people’s relationships with the Internet and technology. This quest is all about finding if there still exists a balance between our daily habits and wilderness. Are we losing all our roots to the profit of a virtual life?
For more on the series visit seekingfornewport.com or gotsurf.ca.