Senior Editor

The Inertia

I just recently finished all the seasons available of The Walking Dead. I binge watched them over the course of about a week. It was a good week. When I was younger, I had a collection of zombie movies on DVD that my girlfriend at time HATED. I kept them in a giant tupperware, and we carted them around whenever we moved, which was very often. I refused to get rid of them, because there were such hard to find titles like Flight of the Living Dead, Return of the Living Dead (which had Turtle in it), Dawn of the Dead, and any other film I could find with of the Dead in the title. She had a box full of rocks, for Christ’s sake. ROCKS.

Anyway, like pretty much everyone else in the world who hates people, I often think about how great it would be if the zombie apocalypse were to actually happen. Of course, not to anyone I know (well, anyone I LIKE), but I could for sure shoot a rotting corpse in the face and maybe even cut off my own hand if it meant I got a sweet sword attachment as a replacement. Apart from the sweet sword attachment, I often think about how great it would be for surfing. Empty. All. The. Time. And if it wasn’t,there might just be a couple of salty corpses floating around, and I could sword them in the brain if they dropped in on me. That, as it stands with the current non-zombie situation, would be frowned upon, and you would probably go to jail. Or at least get probation, or something. The jails are pretty crowded.


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