During the winter, Oahu’s North Shore is in the limelight a lot due its primo surf conditions. The “seven mile miracle” attracts surfers from around the world and is home to some of the best waves in the world. But in the summer, the North Shore shuts down and swell transitions to the south side, aka town. Although town doesn’t get quite as big, when there’s swell, it’s well worth a visit.
If you’re traveling to Oahu for the first time or even if you’re a seasoned visitor to the island, it can be tricky figuring out which south shore breaks are best for you. You’ve heard of Ala Moana Bowls but is it a high performance wave? Is it reefy? Is it a left or a right?
In the video above, native Hawaiian and CT surfer Zeke Lau breaks down all of the main south shore breaks and what each has to offer. He touches on typical conditions, whether it’s a left or a right, how localized each spot is, if it’s reefy or sandy, what type of surfer the wave is best suited for, what he likes or doesn’t like about each spot, and gives each wave a one out of five rating. Next time you’re heading to Oahu’s south shore, this is an easy way to study up.