If you’re going to pile surfboards on a van, PILE SURFBOARDS ON A VAN. Photo: Katin

Surfers often march to the beat of their own drum. The cliche is that we’ll shirk everything in life if the waves are good. We’ll drop work, drop school, drop friends and family and partners, all for the sake a few waves. We’ll take spur-of-the-moment trips if the wallet allows — and sometimes even if it doesn’t — and the forecast is promising. That’s not all of us, of course, but cliches are cliches for a reason, and surfers, more often than not, do enjoy the beat of their unique drum. Which is why, I assume, the surf brand Katin called its debut surf film Your Own Drum.
Starring Victor Bernardo, Devon Howard, Ian Gottron, Saxon Wilson, Zack Flores, and Greyson Messier, the film was shot in New Zealand, Costa Rica, and Mexico.
“With the abundance of surfing content of all qualities being distributed around the internet every day,” Nick Chalmers, who directed the film, said, “the goal was to create a short film that was as timeless and possible, with no serious undertones or narratives – as surfing to me is just an excuse to have fun and travel the world.”