It had to be thrown.

A few days after Gabriel Medina said a bad word on a live webcast and mothers around the world went nuts, the World Surf League has decided how long he should be grounded for. After an investigation into the incident, they’ve given Medina an undisclosed fine, but no suspension.
Medina’s outburst had many in the surf world pretty upset–which, for a sport that is so full of colorful characters, seems slightly hyper-critical. There were arguments for both sides, ranging from the interference being a bad call to an online petition asking the WSL to throw the book at Medina. Of course, swearing in public isn’t the greatest thing in the world. Yes, Medina should have kept his mouth shut (at least on the webcast). He is, after all, a role model for the younger generation, but to be honest, Medina’s a much better role model for a kid than say, Miki Dora would have been. He’s a much better role model than a lot of guys on tour would be. Most surfers like to party, after all.
But after Medina got in a verbal rumble with Glenn Hall and talked about it in front of Pete Mel, he sat down at the next day’s Dawn Patrol show to give some kind of apology, or something. I think that’s what it was, anyway.
Whether you think Medina should be publicly flogged or let off the hook, the World Surf League has responded. After Jeremy Flores copped a suspension last year, fans speculated that Medina would be served the same plate. A suspension for Medina this early in the year would put him on his back foot for the remainder of the year, and his chase for a repeat of last year’s world title.
Here’s the World Surf League’s official statement:
“The World Surf League (WSL) Rules and Disciplinary Committee has completed its investigation into the Medina/Hall incident from the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast. Following conversations with both parties involved as well as reviewing broadcast footage, the Rules and Disciplinary Committee has determined that Medina was in violation of the athlete Code of Conduct and has been fined as a result.
“Medina’s efforts following the incident to amend any public misperceptions about his and Hall’s relationship have been noted and appreciated.
“We wish all competitors good fortune at the upcoming Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach. Medina and Hall quickly made peace following the incident in the competitor’s area. The Brazilian Champ also appeared on the WSL Dawn Patrol Show the following morning to address his on-camera conduct.”