Videographer and Editor/NYC Firefighter

The Inertia

Many of us live day to day being overwhelmed. We’re suffocated by work, personal conflicts, the intrusion of technology, media, and the list goes on. Trying to do everything, we end up stressed about almost anything. We check our voicemail at midnight, our e-mail at dawn, and spend the time in between bouncing from website to website, viral video to viral video, social media notification to social media notification. Perpetually exhausted, we make bad decisions at work, at home, on the playing field, and behind the wheel. We get flabby because we decide there’s not enough time to take care of ourselves – a decision that’s only ratified by all the e-mailing, filling out reports, going to meetings, updating systems, repairing what’s broken, and again, the list goes on.

We constantly try to quit one habit only to start another. We say the wrong things to people we love and love the wrong things for the sake of convenience and accessibility. We make excuses about making excuses, but we never find a way stop the avalanche.

Life doesn’t have to be this way. For many, this is the hustle and bustle of life in New York City. But there are surfers, fishers, poets, artists, and children who know that being in the ocean makes your life better.

Please enjoy this depiction of the historical run of swell that took place on the East Coast during September 2017.

Note: Head to to help those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and Florida.


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