Where are all the Mexican professional surfers? Really, though. I would love nothing more than to see a Mexican beating the snot out of a top seed on the WCT. Probably because I love seeing underdog talent up against the ones that actually have something to lose. It makes it more exciting. But primarily because I love Mexico. In fact, I owe that lovely country for making me the person I am today. Before you discredit my claim because of the “news” you swallowed 5 years ago from the fear-mongering media complex, make sure to do your own research. Anyway, Mexico is a lovely country and the waves there are awesome. And because of that, I am surprised there aren’t more Mexican surfers turning the world of professional surfing upside down. There are, however, a few Mexican professional surfers that absolutely rip. Check out Angelo Lozano and Jhony Corzo rip around the Pacific Mexican Coast in Reef’s Just Passing Through Guerrero.