Would Miki Dora hate surfing today? And we don’t mean the act of surfing itself, but surfing, as in the collective community of people who make up the community and culture. The guy didn’t like noises, he didn’t like crowds, bullhorns or basically anything that could associate with a surf contest. And he believed the competitive platform ruined the act of chasing waves to begin with. But boy did the guy really like attention.
The point is, Miki Dora always had an opinion. Always. But to his credit, Dora at least knew he was a tad bizarre. It was that same flamboyance that made him stand out on top of a wave. And it’s that same flamboyance that made even the most random rants about the state of surfing just as captivating.
“Individuals are being pushed out and the clones are taking over.” This is a good little flashback to one of Dora’s textbook rants, wrapped around modern surfing. So, what would he say about it all today?
MIKI DORA LIVES from Juan Bacagianis on Vimeo.