It’s been a tough few weeks for Kelly Slater. Sustaining one of the worst injuries of his career in the middle of what he said last year would be “one more run at the world title,” has to be disappointing. What’s more, the champ wasn’t exactly at the top of the Jeep Leaderboard when he mangled his foot.
After surgery last week, Kelly’s on the road to recovery. And what does the greatest of all time do when he’s home on bed rest with a bum foot? A friendly trolling of fellow pro surfers on Instagram, of course.
Jamie O’Brien recently posted a video pushing the limits of what’s possible in board transfers, riding a foil to foamie to double barrel.
“Not your smoothest but super sick!” said Kelly in a comment.
With the pre-transfer stumble, that’s fair enough.
“Haha thanks I will work on that one,” said Jamie in response.
Kelly Slater in recovery mode minces no words via social media.
And who’s next on Kelly’s Instagram hit list? Time will tell.