You can’t swing a stick without hitting a Florence brother doing something impressive in the world of surfing. Nathan’s been traveling the globe on his perpetual slab tour, John John has been building a surf apparel empire while releasing fire edits, and Ivan’s been cultivating the most spectacular set of mutton chops this side of Wolverine. However, this year’s Vans Pipe Masters competition managed to corral all that talent into one place.
In Nathan Florence’s latest YouTube release, we start off with the brothers throwing some good natured shade at each other while preparing to compete against each other in the same heat. “The plan is: I’m gonna win, Ivan’s gonna get second, Nathan’s gonna get third.” joked John John. Nathan fired back that he and Ivan would team up to bully JJF in the water. “He really won’t burn us, if it comes down to it,” he said to camera.
What followed was a mix of mouth-cam footage from Nathan’s POV and footage from the beach. Much like Jamie O’Brien’s post from yesterday, it gives us a unique perspective of what it’s actually like out in that lineup, including getting to actually see what’s going on in the moments a surfer is hidden by one of those monstrous barrels. Check out a highlight at 10:07, where the beach cameraman eagerly anticipates Nathan coming out of the barrel, only for us to see from the mouth-cam that he’s already going through the washing machine.