The Inertia for Good Editor

The Inertia

It’s day 5 of the Fiji Pro and we have yet another lay day.  And what better way to watch Kelly get barreled at double overhead Cloudbreak when it’s not actually double overhead than to just watch old footage of Kelly getting barreled at double overhead Cloudbreak? At least this way he can jump inthe broadcast booth and break down the mechanics of it all for us.

I’m a geek for this stuff, by the way. It’s fascinating to put something that feels or looks or seems so complicated in the moment into the mechanical “If your body does this, the result will be this…”. Now put it in perspective for further adoration of King Kelly – he’s breaking down the how to’s of backside barrels, talking about having the presence of mind to know how much pressure is applied to your front foot and where, why grabbing rail is just backside cheating, and how you keep your head square between your shoulders instead of cheating to your outside rail. What the heck? You know what I’m thinking if somebody puts me deep on one of these? “Point it and try not to get eaten”. Sorry Kelly, I’m a cheater. Standing tall, arms spread wide, is for frontside barrels when you’re mortal. Backside in solid surf? Just call me Pigdog Pedro until I make it to the shoulder. Then I might take a moment to assess how I “engaged my fins”, after I claim it of course.


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