It’s probably impossible to trot around the globe and uncover any and every wave that’s out there. Still, many of us will try. We’ll try to check as many oceans, as many coastlines and as many countries off our surf trip bucket list as the years go on. But inevitably there’s going to be at least one place you visit that you’ll always be drawn back to. You’ll experience it once and some fascinating piece of your time there will stick with you, telling you to get back as soon as possible. You might tell yourself it’s the waves, but amazing waves are everywhere on this planet. So it could be the people. It could be the scenery. Something in the air. The food. Or something you can’t even begin to articulate, like the energy – some encompassing aura that makes you feel like you’ve been here before, perhaps in a past life. Who the heck really knows? But your intuition says one visit wasn’t enough. So you keep going back.
For Lee-Ann Curren, the draw toward Iceland is so strong that it’s become like a second home to her over the past five years. “I’m not sure what attracts me so much about this place,” she says. “Maybe the immensity of the landscapes that make you feel so vulnerable, yet very much alive, and leave you in a permanent state of awe and contemplation. I think this video describes perfectly what it feels like to be out there.
It doesn’t matter how cold this place is. You can’t blame her for coming back time and again.