Kayak fishing in the ocean seems like a very pure way to go after fish. You’re right on the water, you can feel the current, see the patterns of bait fish, and sometimes even spot your prey. But on the other side, the prey can probably see you a lot easier as well. And if predators, like the sizable shark seen above, happen to be hanging around when you’re reeling in a good catch, well, all the rules go out the window.
If you dig kayak fishing, FishAholic’s YouTube page is pretty solid. The guy gets it done. Here, he’s fishing a bridge in the Florida Keys when he gets a fish on. While he’s reeling it in, what looks like a bull shark (help us out, fish experts) pays him a visit to collect a little tax. The vid is time stamped to get right to the moment but browse this guy’s page. It’s a good one.