If you’ve surfed for any real length of time, you have gone over the falls. It’s a funny feeling — that frantic last gulp of air before the lip grabs you. Then you’re weightless for a brief moment before you’re pile driven by that same lip. Depending on the wave, that brief moment might not feel so brief. And Maverick’s is certainly a wave where you feel weightless for a bit longer than most other waves. Half Moon Bay’s most famous wave has been firing as of late, and Ryan Augenstein took the full brunt of a Mav’s lip.
Augenstein paddled into the wave you see above with Matty Lopez. While Lopez made the drop, Augenstein didn’t fare quite as well. Head first he went before the wave decided to pick him up and toss him violently towards the bottom of the sea. All was well, and Augenstein will be back for more, but watching his wipeout in slow motion sure does make you hold your breath, doesn’t it?