Distributor of Ideas

John John Florence probably has really good balance. One would imagine that John John can do backflips on a slack line. One would imagine that John John could pass a field sobriety test after drinking a case of beer. One would imagine that John John never falls. But one would be wrong. Case in point: his water-kicking karma that you see above. “When you are peacefully stretching your right hip flexor,” wrote Kolohe Andino on Instagram,”and your friend (@john_john_florence) splashes you.”

Montanna Petrie was on hand with a camera pointed directly at the action when John John decided to kick a little water at Andino. She traveled from her home on the Sunshine Coast for the day to watch the Snapper event. “Just happened that when I was shooting a short video, this happened!” she told The Inertia. “At first, I hadn’t recognized the guy in the video. I thought why not just share it. Then it wasn’t until my mate had mentioned it being John John!”

See more from Montanna Petrie on Instagram.


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