If you’re interested in surfing waves much larger than usual, you might be interested in tow surfing. Sure, there are a lot of purists out there who believe that if you can paddle it, you should paddle it, but towing does have its rightful place in surfing. There are waves that are simply too big to paddle into, and you don’t want to cut your chops on a tow rope on one of them. That means, of course, that you’ve got to cut your chops on waves that you could paddle into. Which is what Ben Gravy recently did in Oregon. After he let go of the rope for the day, they spent the afternoon doing step-offs.
“Today we’re heading out to train for tow-in surfing and to test our equipment,” he wrote. “One of the things I was looking forward to this trip was doing step-offs in the inside section and trying to find a tube! I am terrified, but just as stoked to be here in Oregon following a dream that I never thought I’d actually achieve.”