
The Inertia

Jason Breen was wing foiling in Mona Vale, New South Wales, Australia, when he was struck by a breaching whale.  “I saw the head come out, then I saw the rest of the body come out and then I saw the whole thing above me,” said Breen to 7 News Australia. “About that stage, I’ve got to be honest, I thought I was in trouble.”

The creature he saw flying towards him was in fact a humpback whale calf. It then proceeded to land on Breen, get caught in his leash and drag him under. “The whole time in the water, you can just feel the mass of it pressing against your body and pushing you down,” continued Breen. Luckily, the leash attaching Breen’s arm to the wing snapped and allowed him to return to the surface.

Equally incredibly, Breen somehow emerged from the ordeal without any serious injuries. He also managed to capture the entire event on camera, which is lucky, because otherwise it’s likely nobody would believe him when he told the tale.


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