Teacher/Project Manager/Dreamer
Two surfers enjoy (and contribute to) Nicaraguan surf culture at sunset in Popoyo. Photo: Zach Weisberg

Two surfers enjoy (and contribute to) Nicaraguan surf culture at sunset in Popoyo. Photo: Zach Weisberg

The Inertia

There are times in life when everything seems to fall apart. We feel lost or hollow, waiting for something to give us a sense of being.

During these times, we tend to forget who we are and what our purpose on this planet is until one day a friend (there is always a friend) drags us down to the beach. The sky is gray and the ocean is rough, but I can’t wait anymore. It’s time to feel alive again.

As soon as I touch the salty liquid, I ask myself, “How could I have been away for so long?” Nothing has that power. We belong here like babies to their mum’s uterus.

Suddenly, for the first time in a long time, the drops of salt water running down my face are not tears. I taste the sense of freedom and inner peace once again. A powerful energy runs through my veins. I decide to not fight against the rising memories and emotions in my heart. Just let it go. They’re washed away by every wave I surf.

The sun is down. Exhausted, I allow the ocean to carry me in. Back to the place which I forgot I belonged to.

Walking down the beach under the dark sky, I see a light. I feel scared at first but then a warm feeling wraps around my soul and I realize. It is just a friend’s shining smile watching me live again!


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