Take a spin through this. During a maxing swell at Nias, a rogue (and thankfully, passengerless) boat loosed its moorings at Lagundri Bay. Surf photographer Ted Grambeau was on the scene and managed to snap a side-angle sequence of the vessel getting suplexed by a massive wave. We’ve been told no one was hurt – save maybe the wallet of the boat owner.
“The mountainous swells were too much for one little boat in the normally safe anchorage of Lagundri Bay adjacent to one of the world’s most perfect surfing reefs,” Grambeau explained in an email. “At the height of the swell, the boat drifted in the take-off point with about forty surfers who were also challenging the elements. Picked up by one wave it was no match for such a force of nature and was tossed completely over backward by one wave and destroyed on the reef. Remarkably no one was injured in the incident. The surf flushed the wreck almost immediately down the reef into the bay.”
To say this has been a historic run of swell for Indonesia would be a serious understatement. Stay tuned for more coverage as it trickles in.
And check out more of Ted Grambeau’s stunning photography, here.