Driving by Salamanca in temperatures hovering around 40 degrees celsius on my way to Salinas and passing by the Peaks of Europe, it seemed like winter was suddenly here. I got a breath of fresh air as soon as I arrived and it was not only the cooler temperatures, but the surfing spirit also seemed purer here. Being a little fed up with pro surfing, I had decided to come up here to check out the longboard scene for a change. For the 12th year, the quiet little village of Salinas on the Asturian coast held the Vans Salinas Longboard Festival. The waves were super fun despite the occasional summer rain. There was plenty of partying (maybe too much), all kinds of retro surfboards and wetsuits to check, mellow competition, friendly locals, Marias and Sidra–a delicious apple-flavored local drink (never too much).
The most important longboard event in Europe was blessed with the presence of most of the best European loggers and a special guest–a gringo named Robin Keger. It’s a shame the Duct Tape Invitational is held at the same time though. Antoine Delpero won the contest and Robin, Eliot Dudley and an Italian named Mateo Fabbri were standouts every time they paddled out. The live music was great as were the pulpo a la galega (boiled octopus), the camping, and everything else. I came home with more friends than when I left, rode some classic longboards and had a great time. Surf’s up again for me. Thanks hermanos for the good vibes!