Torren Martyn in an interesting person. He surfs differently than most, with a lazy, drop-knee style that looks as fluid as a bend in a river. He surfs almost exclusively twin-fins. It’s not often we see much from him, which only adds to the mystery.
Ishka Folkwell, a close friend of Martyn, spent a few weeks filming his day-to-day to make the film you see above. A Sense of Space was shot on both the east coast and in the north west of Australia. “Geographically, they are about as far away as you could be from the other,” said Martyn in an interview about the film. “Lush and green on one side and barren and dry on the other.”
Martyn doesn’t appear to care much either way who’s watching him surf, which, of course, makes us want to watch him surf. He surfs in a similar fashion to how he lives his life: taking things moment by moment, slowing down to enjoy those little things that make the whole thing so wonderful.