Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Daniel ‘Tomo’ Thomson has a brain full of strange shapes. Strange to us, anyway, the plebs who have what the shape of a surfboard “should” be ingrained in our heads. Tomo, however, spends his time hacking away at foam (physically or digitally) to turn those shapes into surfboards that look very different from the norm. Those shapes, however far from the norm may be, have science inside of them.

Tomo spends this part of the year in California. “It’s the season that I’m most excited to stay in California,” he says. “I’m not super particular about spots, but Seaside, Swamis, and La Jolla are usually where I look first. And if the surf is bad, I go snowboarding somewhere.”

The folks over at Firewire caught up with the mad scientist during a routine surf check in San Diego to ask him about his Hydroshort model, and he shared even more than that.


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