Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Tom Curren has never been one to stay in a certain lane. If there’s a traffic jam, Tom’s the guy ripping up the shoulder, likely driving some sort of strange vehicle no one’s ever seen before. He surfs what he wants, the way he wants. That’s why Tom Curren is Tom Curren — it’s rare to find a real, one-of-a-kind in the surfing world, but he’s certainly one of them.

When Rip Curl made the film Free Scrubber, the production crew filmed a whole lot of Tom being Tom, and, as is generally the case when making a film, a lot of it ended up on the cutting room floor. Not because it wasn’t great footage, but because… well, it just didn’t quite fit. That’s where the Excess Baggage clips come into play. It’s the cuts. The little moments that didn’t quite make the checked bag. The weird and wild Tom Curren moments. Above is part six, and this time he’s working on fin tweaks to his Free Scrubber model, as well as customized deck-gripping treatments.


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