SurfAid ambassador Tom Carroll is no stranger to adversity, which undoubtedly affected his decision to get involved when he saw isolated regions of Western Sumatra, Sumbawa and Sumba ravaged by natural disaster and disease. So in between charging the heaviest waves on the planet, he donates both time and money to the initiatives the aid organization undertakes — and he’s asking for you to do the same:
“My first real experience with SurfAid was nearly 10 years ago after the Boxing Day tsunami in December 2004 and it was one of the most extraordinary experiences. I had never seen that ability for humans to come together and be so efficient and offer up their expertise. SurfAid was able to get into areas where other aid organizations couldn’t because of their knowledge of the ocean and coastal areas. SurfAid’s capabilities were extraordinary and that was a big eye-opener for me. And that’s why I was drawn into being a SurfAid ambassador from the start.”
Learn more about SurfAid and their initiatives at SurfAid.org.