A space helmet-clad surfer has got the “Montessori blues” in a new video posted to Mikey Kampmann’s YouTube channel. The comedy sketch sends up roving gangs of groms and their accompanying helicopter parents via a parody of Space Oddity by David Bowie.
During summers especially, there is no greater agony than a pack of groms flooding in and taking over your break. They’re loud, rarely follow etiquette, and still have their entire lives ahead of them. What adds insult to injury is they’re often pretty damn good. They have yet to learn fear or heartbreak, and also when you’re a child basically everything is overhead.
Then, on the beach, there is inevitably a tiger parent cheering them on a little too intensely and capturing footage for imaginary pro careers. What’s the solution? “Tell my wife I don’t want any kids,” goes one baleful lyric.
The video was written by Mikey Kampmann, Rob Kieswetter, and Kyle Field and directed by Kampmann,