Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

You know why cars were invented? So people could get places quickly without getting all sweaty or getting horse shit in their hair. Then someone thought, “hey, we could put a motor on this boat and get places quickly without getting sweaty or getting dolphin shit in our hair.” Then someone thought, “hey, let’s make a motorcycle for the sea and call it a Jetski!” Then someone thought, “hey, paddling sucks. Let’s make a surfboard you don’t have to paddle on! And now look where we are. Jetskis and surfboards and foilboards all smashed into one thing that isn’t surfing but involves a board and water. It’s a Segway of the sea.

At a totally and completely affordable to everyone price of $12,000, the Radinn G2X Jetboard can apparently reach speeds of up to around 30 miles an hour, which is definitely enough speed to give the user an enema of epic proportions.


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