Today was about as random as it gets. I was initially going to film this morning and move down to another spot later until I saw what looked like Rob Machado and Todd Glaser walking out to the water. Naturally, I thought I’d stay a while and film.
The conditions were on their way to getting good but were still super fun, to say the least. However, having good conditions isn’t exactly a requirement for Rob. With his skill and style, every wave turns to gold. Even the smallest, most formless wave becomes a thing of beauty when Rob’s surfing it. He’d brought out his INT soft top single fin today and was putting on a great show as always. On top of that, Todd Glaser was there front and center to fire off some shots. Todd seems to be the guy thats always in the right place at the right time. For a water photographer, it can be challenging to position yourself correctly on a wave to get that perfect shot, but for Todd that doesn’t seem to be a problem.
It wasn’t a bad way to start off a Monday morning.