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This Is What It Looks Like When a 4-Year-Old Gets His Board Stolen

Who steals from a 4-year-old?! Photos: Tim Dinofa/Instagram

The Inertia

Theft is so totally not cool. It gets even less cool when the victim is a 4-year-old boy, like Cruz here. His cute little mug popped up on Tim Dinofa’s Instagram a few days ago. #minigrom #superbummed #superminigrom is what he said. #Superbummed is right.

According to Dinofa, the board was stolen from La Jolla Shores beach. It was a custom job shaped by @roberts_surfboards, and it was Cruz’s first shortboard – it even had custom artwork by his dad on it. If you happen to see a blue 4’6 Roberts White Diamond2 with a bunch of little monsters on the deck, hit us up. Or hit @Dinofa up. Because 4-year-olds are just too young to see the bad part of the world.


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