Every time someone who doesn’t surf asks me if I surf, I have a stock answer: “As much as I can, but not as much as I’d like to.”
I say that for a couple of reasons. First, it’s true. And second, it’s a vague enough answer that it’ll stop any ridiculous shark/biggest wave/Kelly Slater related questions, followed by a stiff-fingered shaka, saying the word “dude” 600 times, and quoting Point Break. This annoys me, because by telling someone that I enjoy riding a surfboard, I’ve just gone from a slightly intelligent (questionable) person to a stupid pothead, and all because of the surfer stereotype.
The surfer stereotype is hilarious. Thanks to Spicoli and a whole bunch of Hollywood, we’ve forever been typecast as a bunch of stupid potheads. Of course, there are a few stupid potheads floating around, but that’s just life. There are stupid people, potheads, and stupid potheads everywhere. In fact, if I could smoke weed without puking on myself and accusing my mother of bugging my phone, I would. I’d smoke a lot of it.
But whatever. The reenactment above is so full of surfer stereotypes, it goes from annoying to amazing. And hey, the guy did get an O’Neill tattoo on his lower back, so he might just fit into the role we’ve all been cast in.