Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Surfing is stupid sometimes. Surfers who lie down before standing up yell at other surfers who lie down. Surfers who stay lying down yell at surfers who stand up. Both of them yell at other surfers who stand up with a paddle. In the end, everyone’s just sliding around on glorified pool toys on lumps of oceanic energy. Everyone’s just looking for a good time.

The trailer you see above is for a new film called Ripped. It stars Chippa Wilson, Craig Anderson, Dion Agius, and a bunch of others who slide around on waves on top of a variety of different crafts. Spongers, of course, pioneered some of the planet’s heaviest waves before surfers showed up and decided they owned the joints. Now, with the foamie revolution in full effect, a crossover of sorts has been born, and it’s one that’s all about fun.

A confusing explanation from the video’s description: “R.I.P – the death, funeral and eulogy of the horizontal soft shred sled as we know it. But a handful of lone draggers survived the Polyprocalypse. Beneath the rubble they lay hiding. Hideously disfigured and battling chronic Drag induced psychosis, they roam the underground trenches of this dystopian soft purgatory. Gathering in secret. Exchanging core soft intel over the deep web. Dragging abandoned slabs to feed their addiction and recruiting those rejected by the mindless control of hard society into their flaccid underworld commune. Forever plotting. Forever scheming. They lay awake in anguish ready to get strike, ready to RIP.”

Be on the lookout for premiere dates, because it’s going to be a fun one to watch.

RIP 2 – EVEN MORE RIPPED from Drag Board Co on Vimeo.


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